Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Last update: Friday August 02 2002
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4,5,6 or later
Java 1.1 applets are working with Explorer 4,5,6 or later, but you have to select
the option Microsoft Virtual Machine or Microsoft VM
when installing IE! Otherwise
no Java is installed!
A lot of applets are not running correctly
with the old Java VM shipped with IE4!
I would recommend to do the following:
Install the
Java Plugin for Internet Explorer from SUN and follow the setup
Setup of the Sun Plugin for use with IE:
- Open the Java-Plugin-Settings in the control panel
- Enable the support for Internet Explorer on the Browser page of the Java-Plugin-Settings
When using a proxy:
- Open the Java-Plugin-Settings in the control panel
- Go to the Proxy page
- Disable Use browser settings and enter the appropriate values (you can get them
from your system administrator)
Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.X
The Navigator has a built-in Java virtual machine (VM). So you do not have
to install the Java VM from Sun.
Navigator is able to run Java 1.1 applets since version 4.06. If you
have an older version, the easiest way to run Java 1.1 applets, is to upgrade.
With Navigator 3.0 or earlier versions there is no possibility to run
Java 1.1 applets!
Note for Proxy users:
In case of problems starting Java applets (e.g. error message "class
not found: Stereoscope.class" or "... CAN'T INIT") a possible reason could
be that you accessed this page with a Netscape browser 4.x via a proxy
server. In this case please follow these steps:
Close all instances of Netscape
Edit the preference-file PREFS.JS using notepad:
This is usually located in a directory /programs/Netscape/Users/USERNAME/,
the file is called 'prefs.js'.
Add or modify the following line:
- Start Netscape
Get Netscape
Netscape 6 or Mozilla
Netscape 6 and Mozilla are based on the same program. To run Java Applets
with these browsers you have to install the
Java Plug-in from Sun.
The Opera Browser
The Opera Browser uses Sun's Java Plugin to run applets - no problem.
Get the
Get the
Java Plug-in from Sun.
Sun's HotJava browser
Sun's HotJava browser uses Sun's Java VM. To run it you have to get the
Java Runtime from Sun, too!
I like the HotJava browser very much, because it is small and fast!
Get the
Runtime Environment (Java 1.1)