Supported browsers:
I tested a lot until now but I hope you help me to test the rest.
I hope also that it will run under most platforms therefore I've developed
it under OS/2 and tested it with JavaPureCheck to 100% Java compatible!
If you have questions how to configure your browser look at the page:
How to get my browser running Java 1.1 applets?
It should work under the following operating systems:
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
MacOS (PowerMac only!)
OS/2 Warp3/4
If you have a not listed platform, please contact me!
The applet works with the following browsers:
- Mozilla >= 0.9.3 under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
- Netscape >= 4.06 under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
- Internet Explorer >= 4 under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
- Internet Explorer 4.5 under MacOS
- Internet Explorer 4 under MacOS
- iCab under MacOS
- Mozilla >= 0.9.3 under Linux
- Netscape 4.5 under Linux (very slow!)
- Netscape under OS/2
It's not working with the following configurations:
Could you help me with that?
- Netscape under Sun Solaris (Suns JAVA 1.1 examples are working!)
- Netscape 4.04 under Windows 95/NT (Get a newer version!)
- Netscape Communicator under MacOS