How to use this applet on your own pages:

Last update: Wednesday July 24 2002
Hi Webmasters - Stereoscope Applet is Freeware with the following two restrictions:!
  1. It is strictly forbidden to use Stereoscope Applet on sites with adult content!
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use Stereoscope Applet on non public sites!
If you have questions about this, please contact me!
If you know about a site which is breaking these rules, please contact me, too!

The installation of the applet is very simple. You only have to get the Base Pack from the Download Page. In the Base Pack you can find example images, HTML-files and buttons. You only have to open a HTML file with a JAVA 1.1 enabled browser. It should work!
If you have some problems you could also look at my gallery sources. The left and the right image must have exactly the same size!
Check first your JAVA 1.1 compatibility!
See description of the parameters to see how you can customize the applet to serve your purposes!

Example HTML code to integrate the applet on your page:

The basic code should look like the following:

codebase="." The path where the stereoscope.jar is located in relation to the HTML document!
width=250 The width of your preview image
height=170 The height of your preview image
mayscript Is necessary since Stereoscope Applet 1.3
alt="You must have a JAVA 1.1 compatible browser!">
<PARAM NAME=stereoImage VALUE="stereo.jps"> The name of the JPS file
<PARAM NAME=prevImage VALUE="preview.jpg"> The name of the preview image

Here can you add some code which is displayed if the browser does not support JAVA!


A more advanced version could look like this:

mayscript Is necessary since Stereoscope Applet 1.3
alt="You must have a JAVA 1.1 compatible browser!">
<PARAM NAME=stereoImage VALUE="stereo.jps">
<PARAM NAME=prevImage VALUE="preview.jpg">
<PARAM NAME=title VALUE="Some title for the titlebar of the viewer">
<PARAM NAME=viewType VALUE="grayredcyan"> The preferred viewing method

Now is some example text following which is only displayed if the browser does not support JAVA

<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">
If you had a JAVA 1.1 enabled browser, you would see a stereoscopic image here!
<br>So you get a preview only (not clickable, no 3D!):
<p><IMG SRC="preview.jpg">

<br>A description which appears under the applet area on the HTML page.
If you want to make to image files accessible without the running applet, you should add the following line:
<a href="stereo.jps">(JPS-File 190k)</a>

The parameters of Stereoscope:

There are a lot of optional parameters for this applet.
The two parameters "leftImage" and "rightImage" are alternatives to the single parameter "stereoImage"! So you can replace the line in the above descriptions if you have no JPS files!
Please check also whether the image file(s) exist! The parameters have the format:
<PARAM NAME=stereoImage VALUE="test.jps">
Please observe that all parameter names are case sensitive!
If you have some problems with this, look at Sun's tutorial!

Parameter name Type Description
stereoImage alternative to leftImage and rightImage Name of the stereoscopic JPEG or GIF file. The image should be arranged for crossed viewing, otherwise you also have to use the parameter parallelJPS!
leftImage alternative to stereoImage Name of the left image file - JPEG or GIF format
rightImage alternative to stereoImage Name of the right image file - JPEG or GIF format
prevImage optional but strongly recommended Name of the image file for a smaller preview image to save loading time - JPEG or GIF
title optional Title for the image
viewType optional (default is crossed) Standard view method: 
parallel, crossed, kmq, pureRedGreen, pureRedBlue, colorRedCyan, colorRedGreen, colorRedBlue, grayRedGreen, grayRedBlue, grayRedCyan, shutterL, shutterR, monoL, monoR
not case-sensitive!
autoOpen (since v 1.2f) optional value = on makes that the stereo view is opened automatically after the preview image has loaded
parallelJPS (since v 1.2h) optional value=on makes that Stereoscope handles the JPS image as parallel arranged
initZoom (since v 1.2h) optional Here you can set the zoom factor which is used when the stereo window pops up. Value is in percent!