The Stereoscope Applet is a solution to present stereoscopic images on
the net without to use plug-ins!
The images can be viewed with every JAVA 1.1 capable browser under whatever
operating system you want! So you will get much more surfers looking at your
Why should I use the Stereoscope Applet?
Every person has his own preferred viewing method to view stereoscopic images, so that you have to present the images at least as an "Anaglyph" and as a "Crossed View" image. So you waste a lot of web-space to hold the different views!
Stereoscope Applet is Freeware!
With the following two restrictions:
If you have questions about this, please contact me!
If you know about a site which is breaking these rules, please contact me, too!
All you need now is a JAVA 1.1 enabled browser and my about 24kb large JAVA-Applet! (Zipfile with examples is bigger) You save only the left and the right image or as alternative a JPS-image on your web server and the applet calculates all views from these images! So you have to do no work with Photoshop or another program! The visitors of you gallery do not have to download something!
The applet supports a lot of viewing methods and if you need some more, you should write me an email! It is no problem for me to implement all your needs!
Advantages of the applet in comparison to a plug-in:
Now take a look at my Gallery to test the applet!
Please be patient! The connection to Germany isn't so good and the images take some time to load. All images are in the JPS format.